sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2018

145 years the Lacerda Elevator

With 145 years the Lacerda Elevator is the first urban elevator in the world. On December 8, 1873, when it was inaugurated, it was the highest in the world, at 63 meters. Located in the city of Salvador, Bahia, it serves the public transport function between the Cairu Square in the Lower City and the Tomé de Sousa Square in the Upper City.

domingo, 25 de novembro de 2018

Freedom for my spirit fly

I can not live and be free
with this pain
by imprisoning my heart
I have urgency to live
I want to give love
I want to sing for my children
but I also want to scream!
scream against injustices!

I'm made of contradictions...

I do not mind that death
this waiting for me at the next corner ...
I'll picking flowers by my path
imaginary flowers ...
to crack down my hatreds,
and leave one little time pass
I'm an undead insisting in sadness,
against the obvious!

Freedom for my spirit fly,
daggers of blood to contain my storm
I want my dream it back now
and stand in the sky alone
with my angel...


Cabezas cortadas

“The moment of violence is the moment when the coloniser becomes aware of the existence of the colonised.”

Glauber de Andrade Rocha (14 March 1939 – 22 August 1981) was a Brazilian film director, actor and writer. He was a key figure in the Cinema Novo movement, and directed two of the most influential Brazilian films, Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol (Black God, White Devil) (1964) and Terra em Transe (Entranced Earth) (1967). Both are considered to be some of the greatest films in Brazilian film history. He won the Prix de la mise en scène at the 1969 Cannes Film Festival for Antonio das Mortes.

Quem são nossos inimigos!

... é preciso lembrar sempre, quem são os inimigos do povo!
“A tortura, a prisão e o tratamento dos militares em relação a nós ensinaram o quanto a gente era importante. Os militares tinham muito medo de nós, achavam que éramos muitas – e nem éramos tantas assim. Eles não entendiam como muitas mulheres podiam participar da luta armada.”

sábado, 24 de novembro de 2018

Eluwun Camilo Catrillanca - Temukuikui Lof, Wallmapu

“Eluwun (funeral) de Camilo Catrillanca, joven Mapuche de la comunidad Temucuicui asesinado por el "Comando Jungla", grupo especial de Carabineros de Chile creado por el gobierno de Piñera, entrenado en Colombia y Estados Unidos, para ejecutar políticas de estado y operaciones.”

domingo, 4 de novembro de 2018

once more

just once more...
        I feel your strength inside me,
                 your fire
        my most forbidden desires!
                     to fling me
              beyond myself,
                  and I gravitating
              around of the impossible
                     you and me!


quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2018



“A imprensa internacional trata Bolsonaro como o horror que ele efetivamente é. O Brasil se tornou o espanto do mundo. Em qualquer país onde se vá as pessoas perguntam como os brasileiros são capazes de eleger um homem como Bolsonaro. Nos tornamos uma vergonha planetária. (...) Há algo que o Brasil já perdeu. E que vai custar muito para recuperar. Com Bolsonaro ou sem Bolsonaro, descobrimos que vivemos num país em que a maioria dos brasileiros acha possível votar num homem como Bolsonaro. Sem nenhum drama de consciência, compactuam com todo o ódio que ele produz, são cúmplices do desejo de exterminar aqueles que são diferentes, apreciam as ameaças e os arrotos de poder, exaltam a ignorância e a brutalidade. (...)”

terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2018


... as cores da nossa bandeira
foram um arranjo do Imperador D. Pedro I,
seguindo os padrões da família imperial portuguesa,
mantidas e "romantizadas" pelos republicanos burgueses;
na verdade, o vermelho é a nossa cor,
está na pele do povo que aqui habitava, e ainda vive aqui,
apesar do maior genocídio da história humana!
... BRASIL significa "vermelho em brasa, fogo"
em muitas línguas, mesmo séculos antes dos portugueses
aportarem em nosso litoral.

62% NÃO

A verdade é essa: "Segundo o cálculo do TSE, mais de 30% dos aptos a votar simplesmente não escolheram nenhum dos candidatos se abstendo, votando nulo ou em branco. Só as abstenções somam aproximadamente 20% do eleitorado." ... mais de um terço dos brasileiros aptos a votar não aceitam este sistema, esta "democracia" perdeu sua validade!

segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2018

15 de outubro

“Na sociedade burguesa, o trabalhador encontra-se, desde o berço até a sepultura, submetido à influência constante das idéias, sentimentos e hábitos que convêm à classe dominante. Essa influência se exerce por inúmeros canais e adquire às vezes formas mal perceptíveis. A Igreja, a escola, a arte, a imprensa, o cinema, o teatro e diversas organizações, tudo isso serve de instrumento para levar à consciência das massas a ideologia burguesa, sua moral, seus hábitos.”


domingo, 7 de outubro de 2018

Steve Biko

Assassinado há 31 anos, em 12 de setembro de 1977, Bantu Steve Biko morreu em consequência de bárbaras torturas da polícia sul africana, do regime de apartheid. Biko era um jovem ativista negro - morreu com 30 anos - lutador contra o apartheid, dirigente estudantil e fundador do Movimento Consciência Negra. Biko, dizia que "a arma mais poderosa nas mãos do opressor é a mente do oprimido", foi um defensor dos negros e da sua independência na luta contra o apartheid na África do Sul.

quarta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2018

uma metáfora

É evidente que a esperança da humanidade está em quem vive do trabalho. Enquanto o ministro da cultura brasileiro fala em “tragédia” ocultando a sua responsabilidade política, chorando como qualquer plebeu sem poder, enquanto os bombeiros se debatiam com falta de meios também, os trabalhadores da UFRJ estavam, sem meios alguns a não ser as próprias mãos, a tentar salvar qualquer coisa. Metáfora de um país continente em decadência profunda num mundo em direção a um precipício. Nem os mortos e as múmias estão seguros neste século de capitalismo sem oposição.
A minha solidariedade a todos os colegas, professores, funcionários e alunos da UFRJ, ao seu reitor, Roberto Leher, homem de dignidade excepcional, que esteve recentemente em Portugal recebido no projecto da Fenprof, um amigo e um mestre da educação e ao director do Museu. São eles a esperança.

Raquel Varela

domingo, 2 de setembro de 2018

não tem graça rir do oprimido

“... a gente pode rir de tudo? Eu não sei. Tem coisas de que não vale a pena rir. Das minorias, por exemplo. Ou rir de um sofrimento real das pessoas. Não tem graça rir dessas coisas. Tem graça você rir do poder, você rir do opressor, não do oprimido. O humor, muitas vezes, cai na “presa fácil”, fica chutando cachorro morto e batendo em quem já apanha há séculos e séculos. Não tem graça você rir de gay porque é homofóbico, não é mais humor, tem um momento em que deixa de ser, ou o racismo. Não porque é uma piada que você pode tudo e ela não tem salvo-conduto para você ser escroto.”

Gregório Duvivier

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2018

Thomas Sankara

“Imperialism is a system of exploitation that occurs not only in the brutal form of those who come with guns to conquer territory. Imperialism often occurs in more subtle forms, a loan, food aid, blackmail . We are fighting this system that allows a handful of men on Earth to rule all of humanity.”

Thomas Sankara

segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2018

August 6, 1945

(Rio de Janeiro , 1954)

Pensem nas crianças
Mudas telepáticas
Pensem nas meninas
Cegas inexatas
Pensem nas mulheres
Rotas alteradas
Pensem nas feridas
Como rosas cálidas
Mas oh não se esqueçam
Da rosa da rosa
Da rosa de Hiroxima
A rosa hereditária
A rosa radioativa
Estúpida e inválida
A rosa com cirrose
A antirrosa atômica
Sem cor sem perfume
Sem rosa sem nada.

Vinícius de Moraes

quinta-feira, 26 de julho de 2018

Women Who Built Socialist Yugoslavia

(An interesting subject, though politically biased, shows some of the work of the woman architects Yugoslav in the post-war period)

In socialist Yugoslavia, the woman gained her emancipation with the rifle. The activities of the Women's Anti-Fascist Front during World War II, which extended from the armed struggle to the grassroots political organization, promoted feminist causes and solidified the position of women in the creation of the socialist federation. With the transition to civilian life, Yugoslavia's first post-war constitution in 1946 unequivocally granted full citizenship to Yugoslav women, guaranteeing the right to vote for all citizens, regardless of sex, and providing special protection for the place of women in the production process.


quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2018

25 de abril

Foi bonita a festa, pá
Fiquei contente
Ainda guardo renitente
um velho cravo para mim

Já murcharam tua festa, pá
Mas certamente
Esqueceram uma semente
n'algum canto de jardim

Sei que há léguas a nos separar
Tanto mar, tanto mar
Sei, também, como é preciso,
Navegar, navegar

Canta primavera, pá
Cá estou carente
Manda novamente
algum cheirinho de alecrim

“Tanto Mar”
Chico Buarque

quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2018

the eyes of Capitu

"They say there, but I'm not sure that my smile is happier when I see you, also say that my eyes shine, also say it's love, but it sure is yes."

"Don Casmurro" the novel - Machado de Assis

Maria Santiago Capitolina (Capitu, as it is called) is a character in the book Don Casmurro Machado de Assis (1839-1908), published in 1899.
Entered the collective imagination as female type, justifying psychological and literary studies. According to Maria Lucia Silveira Rangel, Capitu is the character "most discussed, the most famous, and would be repeated talk about the big questions in which the writer leaves the reader about the adultery of Bento's wife - the novel opens with a range options for or against the fact. " (LB - Brazilian Journal Literary, paragraph 17).
The jealousy of Bento Santiago, Bento and later Casmurro her husband, all the time he surmised about his character, contributing to the enigmatic essence of the "creature of fourteen high, strong and full, tight in a calico dress, half faded. The thick hair, made in two braids with tips knotted to each other, stylish time, descended down her back. Brunette, blue eyes and large, straight and long nose, had a thin mouth and wide chin. Hands, despite some rude crafts, were cured with love; not smelled fine soap or toilet waters, but with well water and plain soap brought them without blemish. She wore shoes duraque, shallow and old, that she had given some points. " It was the deep and inexplicable eyes, different depending on the circumstances, that Capitu, strong and engaging personality woman, was consecrated, leaving the Brazilian literature an unmistakable mark: "oblique and disguised gypsy eyes" or "surf eyes" (influenced description by the opinion of his mother, aunt and an aggregate, they did not want the marriage), in the opinion of the jealous husband, Mr. Bento Santiago, alias "Don Casmurro".

Machado de Assis
Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (Rio de Janeiro, June 21, 1839 - Rio de Janeiro, September 29, 1908) was a Brazilian writer, widely regarded as the greatest name in literature nacional, wrote in virtually all literary genres, and poet, novelist, columnist, playwright, short story writer, serial writer, journalist, and critic literary. Witnessed political change in the country when the Republic replaced the Empire and was a great commentator and reporter of political and social events of his time.
Born in" Morro do Livramento", Rio de Janeiro, from a poor family, poorly educated in public schools and have never been university. Biographers note that, interested in the bohemian and the court, struggled to climb socially fueling is intelectual. Superiority for this, took various public offices, through the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade and Public Works, and getting early notoriety in newspapers which published his first poems and chronicles. In his maturity, meeting in close colleagues, he founded and was the first unanimous president of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.
His extensive work consists of nine novels and plays, two hundred short stories, five collections of poems and sonnets, and more than six hundred chronics. Machado de Assis is considered the introducer of Realism in Brazil, with the Posthumous Memoirs Publishing Bras Cubas (1881) . This novel is put aside all the subsequent productions, Quincas Borba, Dom Casmurro, Esau and Jacob and Memorial Aires, orthodox known as belonging to its second phase, in which notice pessimism traits and irony, although there is no disruption of romantic waste. In this phase, critics point out that his best works are the Trilogy Realist. His first literary phase consists of works such as Resurrection, The Hand and the Glove, Helena and Missy Garcia, where notice is inherited characteristics of Romanticism, or " conventionalism ", as he prefers the critical modern.
His work was of fundamental importance for Brazilian literary schools of the nineteenth and twentieth century and stands today as a great academic interest and public. Mick big names of the letters, as Olavo Bilac, Lima Barreto, Drummond de Andrade, John Barth, Donald Barthelme and others. In his lifetime, reached on fame and prestige in Brazil, 20 but did not enjoy popularity overseas at the time. Today, for innovation and audacity in early themes, is often seen as the Brazilian writer unprecedented production, so that, recently, his name and his work have achieved many critics, scholars and admirers worldwide. Machado de Assis is considered one of the great geniuses in the history of literature, alongside authors such as Dante, Shakespeare and Camões.

Malcon X

“Não se pode separar paz de liberdade
porque ninguém consegue estar em paz
a menos que tenha sua liberdade.”

Malcolm X

every woman

   every woman is a flower!

   the flowers it open for love
     give themselves up
 from the light that the sun
      pours over their petals....
...and from the fecundated stigmas
  the flowers will if donate for life!

  the flowers they die for your love ...


life is so brief

I should not feel jealous
a life is so brief
for so much love!
I should watering our love,
every day
with small treats
subtle touches
and a nearly inconspicuous
message of love...

I made so many mistakes
with my sense of justice
which only made up imposing
my selfishness ...

I can only think
in You


quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2018

yo, sola

y no hay viento para llevar mis pensamientos,
ni la lluvia para ocultar mis lágrimas ...
sólo el sol de invierno que no me calienta más!
fui hecha de los sueños que se pierden en mis palabras
de frases interminables y verdades inútiles ...
estoy sola en mi canto
yo sola

quiero perderme en mí misma
sin sueños
con casi nada
yo sola


... sempre existirão

"Nossas montanhas sempre existirão, 
nossos rios sempre existirão, 
nosso povo sempre existirá. 
Com a derrota dos invasores norte-americanos 
reconstruiremos nossa terra até fazê-la dez vezes mais bonita."

Ho Chi Minh

sexta-feira, 30 de março de 2018

every day, I tell myself

... the struggle for human rights
is the struggle of all of us, every day
and without respite!

no colors

... every day
             are the same
             no colors ...

          my life is crystallized
   between my mistakes
       and amongst many goodbyes,
    now, I wear just white...
         Is there pain in my thoughts,
    tears in my eyes,
        only, long and deep nights...


sábado, 24 de março de 2018


   ... I, my mother, my city
an entire world made of shadows and memories,
and which goes with the time within me ...
is how we are
almost intangible
connections and impulses
moments ...
we wish a lot and we fled out of nowhere!
unconnected realities of the Being
dreams, and dreams ...
we wander in the imponderable
without knowing ...


cardinal points

I try to draw an understanding
     transdisciplinary of reality
to conceptualize the cardinal points,
  the dimensions of space and time
 on the border of this complexity,
but I can not stop me on outdated concepts,
I need to navigate the parallel dimensions
and collect samples of other exo-organisms!

...to maintain the clarity of a mind
that struggles between life and death!
quantum multi-universes within a drop of water
in the hands on the clock returning in time...

...in line of a wormhole,
the life plunging over the precipice of the soul
and still collect the memories of the eternity,
   the infinite in me!



                           skirmishes on the evening
                     shadows that lengthen
and distort my thinking
I will stumble on the corners of the neighborhood,
  to Avenue
                   I want to be living and have your being!
                        ... now and never again!
    me and You
     EVER !!!!!!!



... my imaginary umbrella
It is who protects me from all quarrels
filtering the words and thoughts unbearables
making me feel like a Cinderella
thus metamorphosing into colors and sounds
the disenchantments in so soft and sweet parables
gladdening my heart
fooling me
my being
be free
away from here


still lives in me

... a lullaby
for the child who still lives in me
dreams of a summer night
for the teenager that matures into my heart!
the first night of all of us ...

illusion of deeper background
we wake up in an endless night
and no return...
joy to tell you, need you!
without you I do not exist ...

I am survivor of lost passions
and of the memories yet to come
hopeless my heart thins in his eyes
love, love me says it's still day!
and your smile lights up skies
tints that I can not even imagine!


same streets

I walk the same streets
of my childhood, adolescence and then
and everything and nothing has changed!
just me, and all that belonged to me
the inviolable past now,
on the table the cards of life that is gone ...
crying, with no one to hear me
I try to absorb the dispassion these hours
in vain, as it all
only the air that passes me
leaving no nothing, no memory
just me
as always



d’água brincando de espuma
no mar dos meus sonhos...
criança descalça na areia
da praia deserta
do meu passado

que grito contido!
o choro do tempo
nos natais que se foram
pequenas luzes
vaga-lumes de lembranças
encontram a minha face criança
tempo passa, vai e se foi...
tristes tardes
alegres manhãs de sol

dou braçadas contra a correnteza
do tempo...
correntes da escravidão!
sol da minha vida
não entardeça jamais!
coração pela boca
maré, correnteza, rebentação
turbilhão, tempestade
de pensamentos que se vão
pela vida que se vai...
vou distante do mar
para a terra firme da minh’alma


... always present

terça-feira, 20 de março de 2018


   ... en tant que cristal
               qui est tombé et s'est cassé
                             Je suis très triste ...
         J'ai donné ce que je pouvais de moi,
                       chansons, et poésie
                             et photos et vidéos ...
               mais c'était trop peu,
                                     Je comprends ...
                         "une théorie"
                 juste quelques mots,
                                       ma sensibilité,
                               Je pars ...
                                      retour dans le temps



shock hatching... old new

Intimate Verses

Seest! Nobody saw the formidable
burial of your last chimera,
only Ingratitude - This Panther -
It was your the inseparable companion!

Get accustomed to to the mud that awaits you!
Man, that this miserable earth,
dwells among wild beasts, feels inevitable
necessity to be willd beast also.

Takes a match. Lights up your cigarette!
the kiss, friend, is the eve of sputum,
the hand that cuddling is the same that throws the stones.

If someone still causes worth thy wound,
to play stones on this vile hand cuddling you,
spits you in this mouth that kisses you!

(Lisa, free translation of the sonnet Augusto dos Anjos
"Intimate Verses" - Recife, Brazil, 1901)


  Friend, please
                      listen to me:

I've had almost everything in life,
family, property, jewelry, profession,
               bonds, cash ...
               Today I have nothing,
               but nonetheless
               I am, I realize me,
         and hardly anything, little things,
         perhaps insignificant,
                make me smile!
                just moments
                fragments of time
                and I'm happy!

Yzabel Cerroflorido