domingo, 17 de março de 2024


These children, this family had a house to live in, school, commerce, leisure, hospital, they had a simple and dignified life... today they have nothing but this refugee tent in the south of the Gaza strip, and the constant threat of die in a nazi-zionist bombing at any time, because the nazi-terrorist state of israel does not even respect the refugee camps from this genocidal massacre sponsored by the united states and the european union!
The astonishment at so much violence in the first days of this genocide, which the hypocritical Western press tries to sell as “war”, turned into disgust, and finally into hatred against this vulgar and criminal national/international political elite in its complicity! Social movements from almost every country in the world mobilized to send humanitarian aid to Gaza, gigantic demonstrations take place almost daily in the cities, and simple citizens, intellectuals, artists, and various leaders speak against this barbarity, but nothing has really happened to end the suffering in this true holocaust of the Palestinians, which proves the visceral failure of international institutions (UN, OAS, others), and the perverse management model of global capitalist politics. What humanity remains within us is dying every day that this holocaust continues.
P.S. People, states, parties, acronyms that represent nazi-fascist ideologies must be written only with lowercase letters in their initials, to clearly demonstrate our contempt and their real moral insignificance.


sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2024

Mahmoud Darwish "Palestine"


This land gives us

all that makes life worth living:

April's blushing advances,

the aroma of bread at dawn,

a woman's haranguing of men,

the poetry of Aeschylus,

love's trembling beginning,

moss on a stone

mothers dancing on a flute's thread

and the invaders' fear of memories.


This land give us

all that makes life worth living:

September's rustling end,

a woman leaving forty behind with her apricots,

an hour of sunlight in prison,

clouds reflecting swarms of insects,

a people's applause for those who laugh at their erasure,

and the tyrant's fear of songs.


This land give us

all that makes life worth living:

Lady Earth, mother of all beginnings and endings,

She was called Palestine

and she is still called Palestine.

My Lady, because you are my Lady, I deserve life.


Mahmoud Darwish Tuesday, September 3, 2013