sábado, 30 de dezembro de 2023

nazi-zionism is today the greatest shame of humanity!

Israel has turned stadiums in the Gaza Strip, including the Yarmouk Stadium in central Gaza, into detention, torture and execution centers, and has committed massacres against hundreds of athletes and destroyed facilities and clubs in the Gaza Strip. Detained Palestinians, including children and elderly people, are seen naked and remain blindfolded as they are beaten and sexually assaulted. They also report that they were deprived of sleep, food, water and basic hygiene.


As Pms estaduais precisam acabar!

As PMs estaduais precisam acabar, são um dos maiores redutos do fascismo no país, prendem e matam trabalhadores pobres e moradores de rua, enquanto descaradamente protegem a elite endinheirada! Duplo assassinato de moradores de rua em MT foi cometido por PMs, diz polícia. Crime brutal que chocou o país não teria qualquer motivo, resumindo-se a uma ação de ódio. Um dos acusados já está detido e outro segue foragido.


sexta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2023

Thomas Sankara and Palestine

Thomas Sankara: "Finally, I speak indignantly when I think of the Palestinians, whom this most inhuman humanity has replaced with another people, a people who only yesterday were being martyred in their free time. I think of the brave Palestinian people, of the families who were divided and divided and are roaming the world in search of asylum. Courageous, determined, stoic and tireless, Palestinians remind us of the entire need and moral obligation to respect the rights of a people. Along with their Jewish brethren, they are anti-Zionists." UN - 1984


terça-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2023

Israel and the nazi-zionists are "above" International Laws, they are criminals, they are murderers!

“In the last 48 hours the largest remaining hospital still functional in Gaza was attacked twice. I'm furios. Furious that those in power shrug their shoulders at the humanitarian nightmares unleashed on 1 million children,” says Unicef’s @1james_elde

domingo, 17 de dezembro de 2023



nazism=zionism=bolsonarism=ideologies of death!

"The dynamics of Zionism are very similar to Bolsonarism. The same language. The same perfidious character in dealing with public matters. The same arrogance of those who can intimidate those who disagree with them. Zionism is a supremacist and racist doctrine"

"They seek to sell the idea that Judaism is equal to Zionism. Zionism is just an ideological political current, today majority, racist, colonial that has been opposed by sectors of the global Jewish community since its inception"

Journalist Breno Altman


quinta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2023

israeli nazi-soldiers vandalized the mosque

israeli soldiers stormed a mosque in Jenin in the West Bank this morning, vandalized the mosque, and performed Jewish prayers on its speakers.

Quds News Network


terça-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2023

Israel violates all international treaties ...


Israel violates all international treaties in a systemic way and does not receive any sanctions. There is no punishment for violating treaties.

If it were any other country in the region, or any other part of the planet, there would already be several international sanctions and boycotts.